A community of local runners in Carryduff, Co Down created a new club in 2022 named Carryduff Running Club (CRC – We’ve recently dropped the T to become CRC!). The club was originally formed by James Woods and Paul Austin who have run with local recreational clubs previously and spotted the need for an affiliated club in the Carryduff and South Belfast area.
The club is now affiliated with Athletics NI and has very quickly grown to over 190 members with running activities for everyone from beginners to experienced runners. As the club has grown, the club structure has grown to match, staying inclusive and accessible to all.
The club has a range of fitness and training activities to suit all runner abilities, with sessions split across the week ranging from coach led runs to circuits. The coaches live by the club’s motto ‘We’ll leave no one behind’.
Everyone runner is welcome, there are different paced sessions helping each individual to enjoy running, to feel confident, and to progress in their ability. The club is made up of a great group of likeminded people who value the social element as much as the running!
Carryduff Running Club can be found on Instagram and Facebook and club membership is set up and renewed through Klubfunder .
Contact us by email on info@carryduffrc.com to find out more and to come along to an introductory no obligation session with the club.